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Equal pay day


Equal pay day is a symbolic day that highlights the gender pay gap. This day serves as a reminder to address these issues and work towards achieving pay equity between men and women Different countries may have different dates for Equal Pay Day based on their specific wage gaps.

According to Gender Equality Index in 2019, women earn on average 87 cents for every euro a man makes per hour, resulting in a gender pay gap of 13 %. The gender pension gap is 25 %.

This campaign is a part of a “Girls with attitude” supported by the European Union. Project is implemented in Serbia, Italy, Greece and Poland from 01.12.2022 – 30.11.2023 and is co-funded by the European Union through Erasmus + Sport. #GirlsWithAttitude #GirlsInSport #WomenInSport #Football #GenderEquality #GenderEqualityInSport

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