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EU Youth Zone


As part of the project Europe for Citizens, NGO 4C participates as a partner organization in the programme EU Youth Zone, whose objective is to activate young people to use their voices and express their views and opinions on EU, to understand European citizenship and Euroscepticism and develop ideas for future Europe, especially in the light of Covid-19 pandemic. The activities will include research, debates as well as the development of quiz on the EU as a mobile phone application.

During the project, meetings of partners are going to take place, online research about the influence of the European Union to youth workers and their consideration for this, dialogue between partners concerning Euroscepticism, creation of mobile application in order to promote quiz and online material relative with the whole of the project. The project is funded by the programme Europe for Citizens of the European Union and leader organization is Hate Fighters Network (Serbia). Partners organizations come from participating countries, Serbia, Italy, Albania, Lithuania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and North Macedonia, while 4C represents Greece. Project will be implemented from 1st April 2021 till 31st July 2022 in participating countries, Serbia, Italy, Greece, Albania, Lithuania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and North Macedonia.

In April 22, the first pre-kick-off meeting took place and the partners discuss the content of the project, the audience that this is directed to, the engagement of every partner the vision and the objectives of this project, dates and deadlines. The next appointment of the partners is organized for June 20021, on the island of Kerkyra, Corfu, Greece.

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