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Intercultural Sports Challenge


Press Release

May 2021

One of the european projects that 4C NGO participates as a partner organization is the project Intercultural Sports Challenge. The leader organization of this project is L'Orma from Italy and partners organizations have their origin in Spain, Cyprus and United Kingdom while 4C represents Greece.

The main objectives of this project is to give to educators, teachers, and social workers involved in the education of kids instruments and tools to use sports as a vehicle to promote inclusion in their intercultural learning environment. Moreover, to provide sport coaches with instruments and tools to make the sport practice more inclusive for immigrate kids belonging to different cultures and to contribute in sharing the culture of sport as in instrument for education and social inclusion, building a bridge between sport and social sector.

In the frame of this project, 4C conducted a survey at a national level, concerning the function of sports activities in Greece. The research was directed to educators and sports educators and was about the areas that sports activities take place. Main pillars were the origin of participants, the kind of games that are played, the content of the activities but also how best the social inclusion through sports could be achieved. In the following image you can find the results of the survey.

The project Intercultural Sports Challenge has 24-months duration and takes place in Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus and United Kingdom. It is funded by Erasmus+, project of the European Union.

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