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Opinion of young people on EU online researchResults of the online research that was conducted

Opinion of young people on EU online research

Results of the online research that was conducted under the frame of the project

EU Youth Zone.

Country: Greece

Partner Organization: 4C Ngo

Time: September-October 2021

Section 1→ Introduction

Section 2→ General Information


Female→ 61.9%

Male→ 35%

Prefer not to say→ 3.1%

Educational Level

Primary School→ 4.6%

High School→ 6.5%

Bachelor Degree→ 55%

Master Degree→ 26.9%

Doctoral→ 5.8%

Other→ 1.2%

Employment Status

Employed Full-Time→ 44.6%

Employed Part-Time→ 16.2%

Not employed, looking for work→ 12.7%

Not employed, not looking for work→ 6.2%

Student→ 10.4%

Retired→ -

Disabled, not able to work→ -

Self-employed→ 5.8%


Greece→ 93.1%

Albania→ 3.1%

Bosnia and Herzegovina→ 1.2%

Lithuania→ 1.2%

Serbia→ 0.2%

General Area that you live

Urban→ 76.2%

Rural→ 21.5%

Prefer not to say→ 2.3%

Section 3→ Education, Training and Youth

  • How would you rate the overall EU involvement in matters of Education, Training and Youth?

Satisfying→ 36.9%

Satisfying enough→ 33.5%

Very dissatisfying→ 14.6%

Very satisfying→ 11.5%

Dissatisfying→ 3.5%

  • Are you familiar with the following programs of the EU? (Check all the answers that apply)

Erasmus+ → 93.8%

European Solidarity Corps→ 35.4%

Europe for Citizens→ 23.8%

Creative Europe→ 11.5%

CERV (Citizens Equality Rights and Values Program→ 8.5%

  • Have you ever participated in any of the above mentioned EU programs?

Yes→ 53.8%

No→ 46.2%

  • How would you rate the non-formal learning recognition in your country, including the recognition of the certificates of EU Programmes?

Satisfying→ 40%

Dissatisfying→ 24.2%

Satisfying enough→ 13.8%

Very satisfying→ 11.2%

Very dissatisfying→ 10.8%

  • If you would have to compare the access to education and training of EU young citizens and WB young citizens, how would you describe it?

EU citizens have more access→ 80.4%

They both have equal access→ 15%

WB citizens have more access→ 4.6%

  • In your opinion, what can be done by the EU in order to improve the opportunities for education and training of young people?

According to the results of the youth survey, the European Union should focus on the following areas:

  • Education:

  • The education sector in the Eurozone countries needs support from the EU. Young people who have completed the application suggest the following ways:

  • Lower tuition.

  • More effective information within educational institutions about programs and opportunities.

  • More scholarships.

  • Better financial support to institutions through increasing funding and grants.

  • Funding of research projects.

  • More collaborations between Universities and educational institutions.

  • Changing the curriculum with the addition of courses regarding inclusion.

  • Opportunities and facilities for people who are already working.

  • A second area, complementary to the educational process branch of education, is the institution of internships. Here, the EU, according to the research, should proceed to:

  • Creating more internships.

  • Increase in remuneration.

  • Ensuring real contact with the workplace.

  • The EU intervention should be great and at local level where there is need of:

  • Development of provincial cities.

  • Incentives to create more opportunities in them.

  • Collaborations with local and public bodies.

  • Finally, the EU's contribution during the young people's stay in a country other than their origin, is imperative. The EU can help by offering:

  • Better medical care.

  • Discounts for students in another country.

  • Ensuring safe working relationships.

  • Reduction of bureaucracy.

  • Facilitation of transport.

Section 4→ Human Rights, Democracy and Justice

  • How would you rate the overall EU involvement in matters of Human Rights, Democracy and Justice?

Satisfying→ 34.2%

Satisfying enough→ 28.1%

Dissatisfying→ 16.9%

Very satisfying→ 13.5%

Very dissatisfying→ 7.3%

  • In which field of human rights protection do you believe the EU is most successful?

Dialogue on human rights→ 53.8%

The rights of the child→ 38.5%

Abolition of torture and human traficking→ 36.9%

Rights of LGBTIQ+ people→ 32.3%

Combating racism and discrimination→ 31.2%

Freedom of expression both online and offline→ 29.6%

Safe drinking water and sanitation→ 25%

Freedom of religion and belief→ 23.8%

Combating violence against women and girls→ 20%

  • Do you know what the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is?

Yes→ 74.2%

No→ 25.8%

  • How would you evaluate the role of the Civil Society Sector in promotion and protection of human rights and democracy?

Satisfying→ 30.8%

Satisfying enough→ 31.5%

Very satisfying→ 20.8%

Dissatisfying→ 12.7%

Very dissatisfying→ 4.2%

  • How much are Human rights and democracy respected in the EU in comparison to the WB countries?

Human rights and democracy are respected more in EU member countries→ 55.4%

Equally respected→ 41.5%

Human rights and democracy are respected more in WB countries→ 4.2%

  • In your opinion, what can be done by the EU in order to protect Human rights, Democracy and Rule of Law?

When it comes to human rights, most of the answers put education from an early age as the most important factor. Next in frequency were responses to the EU's practical involvement in training and financial assistance. The result is the following list:

  • Educating citizens from childhood on human rights.

  • Informing citizens from an early age about their rights.

  • Incentives for greater involvement in society.

  • Actions in countries facing such problems.

  • Information programs for the general public.

  • Practical depiction of social welfare by ensuring housing and meeting basic needs for all.

  • Coordinated actions in the Member States.

  • More funding.

  • Changes in the legal system and law, both European and domestic.

  • Active support for victims of human rights abuses.

  • Adopting policies that promote peace and equality.

  • Protecting vulnerable groups and informing them of their rights.

  • Reduction of inequalities.

  • Creation of organizations.

  • Compliance with regulations.

  • Conversation with local level, cooperation and proposals with and from organizations, specialized staff in legal issues.

  • Strengthen control of multinational companies and organizations.

  • Reduction of bureaucracy.

  • Greater EU involvement with tighter state controls.

  • Tackling corruption.

  • Better and more effective response to the refugee issue.

  • Prominent presence of EU representatives on issues related to the protection of human rights, democracy and the rule of law, focus on key issues (LGBTQ +, refugees, female genocides, refugees, inadequate health system).

  • Providing equal opportunities.

  • Remarks, suggestions, good practices.

  • Promoting the collective spirit without social differences.

  • Financial Aid.

  • Sense of unity and solidarity between the students of the EU.

Section 5→ Economy (Business, Industry, Agriculture and rural development)

  • How would you rate the overall EU involvement in matters of Economy (business, industry, agriculture and rural development)?

Satisfying enough→ 33.1%

Satisfying→ 29.6%

Dissatisfying→ 17.3%

Very satisfying→ 11.9%

Very dissatisfying→ 8.1%

  • What economical areas should be a priority for the EU?

Agriculture and rural development→ 66.5%

Recovery from the Covid-19→ 59.6%

Industry and technology→ 55%

Product safety and requirements→ 35%

Cultural and entertainment industry→ 34.2%

Trade with non-EU countries→ 27.3%

Banking and finance→ 25%

  • Do you know someone (individual or legal entity) who uses EU funds and programs for economic development?

Yes→ 58.8%

No→ 41.2%

  • How would you evaluate the impact of the Euro currency on the internal economy of your country?

Satisfying→ 30.8%

Satisfying enough→ 22.7%

Dissatisfying→ 20.4%

Very satisfying→ 13.5%

Very dissatisfying→ 12.7%

  • How would you evaluate the importance of EU involvement in the economies of WB countries?

Important→ 37.7%

Important enough→ 23.1%

Very important→ 17.3%

Less important→ 15.8%

Not important→ 6.2%

  • In your opinion, what could be done from the EU side in order to improve the quality of life in rural areas and encourage diversification of economic activity in rural areas?

Each response had two common axes: the urgent need for financial support for rural areas and the provision of incentives for the return of the population there, especially to young people.

The rest of the answers summarize the ideas of the young people in the list below:

  • Reduction of taxis and financial support.

  • Technical support with improved rural mechanisms.

  • Educational support.

  • Promotion of the local agricultural products.

  • Continuous control of the final way that the fundings are handled.

  • Effective promotion, support, new way of thinking to the people who live in the rural areas.

  • Education of new members.

  • Mechanisms of new technologies.

  • Urbanization in a way that does not affect the sustainability and biodiversity of rural areas.

  • Collaboration with the ministries in charge.

  • Investments.

  • Promoting European Agricultural Policy.

  • Finding ways to absorb and promote agricultural products in the world market.

  • Creating new jobs.

  • Research and development.

  • More opportunities to the young people living in the rural areas.

  • Promotion of local products.

  • Modernization.

  • Promoting cooperative initiatives.

Section 6→ Employment and Social Affairs

  • How would you rate the overall EU involvement in matters of Employment and Social Affairs?

Satisfying→ 35.8%

Satisfying enough→ 25%

Dissatisfying→ 19.2%

Very satisfying→ 12.3%

Very dissatisfying→ 7.7%

  • How would you rate the EU’s efforts and initiatives offered in regards to supporting young people’s self-employment, providing funding opportunities?

Satisfying→ 33.5%

Satisfying enough→ 27.3%

Dissatisfying→ 16.9%

Very satisfying→ 13.1%

Very dissatisfying→ 9.2%

  • How would you rate the EU’s efforts and initiatives offered in regards to supporting young people’s employment, work opportunities, both in-country and abroad?

Satisfying→ 29.6%

Satisfying enough→ 20.4%

Dissatisfying→ 24.2%

Very satisfying→ 14.2%

Very dissatisfying→ 11.5%

  • In your opinion, do the non-formal education opportunities provided by the EU create an impact for the employability of young people?

Yes→ 66.2%

No→ 33.8%

  • In your opinion, what could the EU do to support fair working conditions, inclusion and social protection in EU Countries?

In this question, the control for the observance of the labor rights prevailed, their defense but also the following views:

  • Control of the public services and policies.

  • Security network.

  • Freedom of expression for all the employees.

  • Control of sexual harassment and security in the health system.

  • Evaluation.

  • Financial Aid.

  • Rules in all the work environments that reassure equality and dignity for all the work members.

  • Equal opportunities.

  • Protection of the workers’ rights.

  • Single legal framework for the Member States.

  • Empowerment of personal skills.

  • Meritocracy.

  • Provide a minimum initial income until the person harmoniously joins the appropriate job he desires.

  • Free courses to adults (for example language courses).

  • Create a phone call line of immediate social and occupational rehabilitation.

  • Respect the hours that the employees work (8 hours per day, 5 days per week).

  • Control of the industries on how they reassure the dignity, the equality between employees and their working rights as well.

  • Allocating positions to minorities and marginalized groups.

  • Information days.

  • In your opinion, what could the EU do to support fair working conditions, inclusion and social protection in WB Countries?

The most important step for this to happen is the better information of the employees about their rights, while other suggestions are the following:

  • Facing young people as adults, with dignity and respect.

  • Information.

  • Continuous control on the work environments, questionnaires, interviews.

  • Strict processes, control, punishments.

  • Financial motivation and financial support.

  • Educational projects for free.

  • Access to the European local market, easy learning of foreign languages, more technical and vocational Universities.

  • Strengthen labor inspection.

  • Collaboration with local stakeholders with transparency.

  • Make the balkan culture more familiar to European citizens.

  • To disclose its position and capacity to any breach or violation of rights.

  • Collaborations.

  • Not exploiting cheap labor.

  • Striker rules that would protect working conditions, inclusion and social protection with harsh fees for those that break them.

Section 7→ Environment

  • How would you rate the overall EU involvement in matters of Environmental protection?

Satisfying→ 30%

Satisfying enough→ 28.8%

Dissatisfying→ 18.1%

Very satisfying→ 14.2%

Very dissatisfying→ 8.8%

  • How would you rate the EU support for the businesses moving towards climate neutrality?

Satisfying→ 34.6%

Satisfying enough→ 28.5%

Dissatisfying→ 18.5%

Very satisfying→ 12.3%

Very dissatisfying→ 6.2%

  • How would you rate the youth involvement aiming to protect the environment?

Satisfying→ 29.6%

Satisfying enough→ 29.2%

Dissatisfying→ 19.2%

Very satisfying→ 15.4%

Very dissatisfying→ 6.5%

  • Are you familiar with the objectives of the European Green Deal Strategy?

Yes→ 55%

No→ 45%

  • How much EU programs have contributed to environmental protection in WB Countries?

Not at all→ 7.7%

Slightly→ 46.2%

Moderately→ 39.2%


Extremely→ 1.2%

  • In your opinion, what else could be done in order to motivate and encourage young people to participate and contribute more towards environmental protection?

The conclusion that we can have based on the majority of the answers is that people need better promotion and information about these matters. Things that are generally needed are:

  • More information.

  • Investment on the educational system of each country, concerning the environment. Children need to cultivate their environmental consciousness from their childhood. Environmental lessons at school should be obligatory.

  • Recycling.

  • Acting against waste.

  • Recycle, Reduce, Reuse.

  • Activities of Erasmus+ based on this.

  • Punishments for people, industries, enterprises that do not respect these kinds of rules.

  • Promotion in television, social media and other famous channels.

  • Funding.

  • Travelling to countries with green policies - Giving motivation in this way.

  • Find a way to make the industries which pollute the environment more friendly.

  • Job positions with the main objective to make new technologies more friendly to the environment.

  • Education

  • Infrastructure that can support recycling.

  • Tax exemptions in big facilities.

  • Financial support to people that are involved, helping the environment to be part of their working schedule.

  • Active municipalities in order for neighborhoods to change.

  • Financial support as a motivation.

  • Abolition of wind farms and fire protection measures.

  • Control of the waste that the industries produce.

  • Awards for adopting good environmental practices. Financial award of using and promoting green policies in order to buy technological equipment, friendly to the environment (electrical cars, solar energy at home).

  • Collaboration between NGO and Universities.

  • Empowerment of creative thinking for young people who want to act over the environment.

  • Support local markets.

  • Promotion of Mediterranean diet.

  • Motivation to help the environment through the University and for the University.

  • Something essential, say no to greenwashing.

  • Info-days at schools, also for the parents and for the students.

  • Coordinated activities of the NGOs, the Universities and the local stakeholders, based on a plan.

Section 8→ Health

  • How would you rate the overall EU involvement in matters of Healthcare systems?

Satisfying→ 31.9%

Dissatisfying→ 27.7%

Satisfying enough→ 22.3%

Very satisfying→ 9.2%

Very dissatisfying→ 8.8%

  • How would you rate the health care system in your country?

Dissatisfying→ 31.5%

Very dissatisfying→ 27.7%

Satisfying→ 25%

Satisfying enough→ 8.1%

Very satisfying→ 7.7%

  • In which one of these fields do you think that the EU is the most efficient?

Promotion of vaccination→ 57.7%

Responsible food labelling→ 41.5%

Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases→ 34.2%

Preventive measures for cancer→ 23.8%

Public health care systems→ 19.6%

Fighting antimicrobial resistance→ 13.5%

  • Do you think that all EU citizens have equal access to the Health System in their countries, to health products and health care?

Yes→ 82.7%

No→ 17.3%

  • How would you evaluate the health care systems of WB countries in comparison with the EU member countries?

EU member countries have better health care systems than WB countries→ 74.6%

Health care systems are the same in EU and in WB→ 20.8%

WB countries have better healthcare systems than EU member countries→ 4.6%

  • In your opinion, what is needed for a more effective, accessible, resilient and accountable health system in both the EU and WB?

The main results of the survey are:

  • Better structure, salaries for the employees of the Health System.

  • More employees in the Health System, more specialists.

  • Medicines, especially for diseases such as cancer, AIDS etc must be provided for free and also gynecological exams, especially between the age of 35 to 50 (Test Pap).

  • Better circumstances in the hospitals, less expenses for being treated in the hospital.

  • No discrimination.

  • Make the health system contemporary.

  • Fighting against corruption.

  • Funding for the Health System.

  • Buying contemporary equipment.

  • Easier access for the vulnerable groups.

  • Public and free health system.

  • Increasement of the budget for the Health System, investments.

  • Less bureaucracy.

  • Control of the fundings, if they are being used in the appropriate way.

  • Don’t support the companies’ financial benefits.

  • Common health systems in all the European Union.

  • Continuous and free campaigns of information.

  • Lines of immediate communication and help.

  • Equal and free care for every citizen.

  • Campaigns for psychological support.

  • Health System as a priority for all the governments.

  • Better way of planning

  • Increasement of the reciprocity of the contribution paid, in favor of the Health Systems.

Section 9→ Culture, Sport and Leisure Time

  • How would you rate the overall EU involvement in matters of Culture, Sport and Leisure Time?

Satisfying enough→ 33.5%

Satisfying→ 28.1%

Very satisfying→ 19.6%

Dissatisfying→ 14.2%

Very dissatisfying→ 4.6%

  • How would you rate the EU commitment in the promotion of multiculturalism and intercultural dialogue?

Satisfying enough→ 33.5%

Satisfying→ 30.4%

Very satisfying→ 16.5%

Dissatisfying→ 15%

Very dissatisfying→ 4.6%

  • Do you think that participation in cultural, sport and leisure activities at a European level contribute to the personal development and growth of young people?

Yes→ 92.7%

No→ 7.3%

  • How would you rate the level of Cultural Heritage’s protection in the EU Countries?

Satisfying enough→ 38.8%

Satisfying→ 28.5%

Very satisfying→ 15.4%

Dissatisfying→ 13.5%

Very dissatisfying→ 3.8%

  • How would you rate the level of Cultural Heritage’s protection in the WB Countries?

Satisfying→ 40.4%

Dissatisfying→ 21.5%

Satisfying enough→ 18.5%

Very satisfying→ 11.9%

Very dissatisfying→ 7.7%

  • In your opinion, what else could be done by the EU in order to motivate and encourage young people to participate more in Culture, Sport and Leisure Time initiatives?

This is also one of the questions that the importance of the promotion is coming first. But also, young people believe that EU can:

  • Establish organizations for the cultural promotion to the rural areas (free entrance or less price to the ticket).

  • Establish sports courts.

  • Give free entrance to all the museums, regardless of age.

  • Create more theater performances at half-price for the students.

  • Make more bazaars of historical and social books.

  • Give young people motivation in order to find and recognize their personal skills.

  • Organize more projects in the field of sports and culture.

  • Give more fundings for creating cultural material.

  • Promote cultural projects at schools.

  • Use social media for the promotion of these kinds of events but also promote it via people that are famous and have good esteem in people’s minds.

  • Add cultural and sport content in all the educational levels.

  • Access to sport facilities for free.

  • Easy and equal access for all.

  • More events in rural areas.

  • More opportunities to participate in competitions, festivals and groups, obviously for free.

  • Common plan for all the Municipalities, putting some obligatory facilities.

  • Promotion of other cultures, multicultural festivals and sport competitions.

  • Empowerment of the audiovisual field.

  • Promotion of European culture in new channels (Netflix for example).

  • Funding and investments.

  • Conferences relative to these fields.

  • Promotion of the virtual way of sharing.

  • Youth exchanges and more European projects.

  • Public spaces for sports.

  • Equal opportunities without benefits and connections.

  • More support to the artists.

  • Recognition to young artists and athletes.

  • When students are at school, emphasis is on art as well with science and sports.

Section 10→ EU’s response to Covid-19

  • How would you rate the overall EU response to Covid-19?

Satisfying→ 32.7%

Satisfying enough→ 29.6%

Dissatisfying→ 14.6%

Very dissatisfying→ 11.9%

Very satisfying→ 11.2%

  • How would you rate the EU's efforts limiting the transmission of the virus in Europe and beyond?

Satisfying→ 34.2%

Satisfying enough→ 23.5%

Dissatisfying→ 20%

Very satisfying→ 11.9%

Very dissatisfying→ 10.4%

  • How would you rate the EU's COVID-19 Vaccines Strategy?

Satisfying enough→ 30.8%

Satisfying→ 27.3%

Dissatisfying→ 14.6%

Very dissatisfying→ 14.6%

Very satisfying→ 12.7%

  • How would you rate the EU's response to fight disinformation on COVID-19 pandemic?

Satisfying→ 25.4%

Satisfying enough→ 22.7%

Very dissatisfying→ 21.5%

Dissatisfying→ 20.8%

Very satisfying→ 9.6%

  • Do you think that all the members of the EU receive the same support concerning Covid-19?

Yes→ 70.4%

No→ 29.6%

  • Do you think that WB Country would have a lower impact from Covid-19, if they were EU members?

Yes→ 55.8%

No→ 44.2%

  • In your opinion, what other actions should the EU undertake in order to improve solving COVID-19 challenges?

Covid-19 was one of the most interesting parts of the survey. Here the answers are different and opinions show that people are not either satisfied or dissatisfied. People believe that EU has to:

  • Create more Intensive Care Equipment.

  • Reassure that the vaccines are being shared equally to all the countries.

  • Communicate science in a better way, with interviews of doctors, viologists, chemistrians.

  • Say no to misinformation.

  • Obligate companies to give low price to the Covid masks and free or really low cost for antigen and PCR tests.

  • Effective and not experiential medicine.

  • Try for Universal treatment.

  • Try to not cultivate fear.

  • Pay more control to the measures.

  • Be more flexible and to be quickly adapted.

  • Promote a way of protection that approaches reality, whole information.

  • Encourage people to work remotely.

  • Create common campaigns to all the State Members and common vaccination strategies.

  • Create representative committees that act on a global level for all the countries.

  • Take the necessary measures but not force people to do things and to avoid the social life.

  • Give more vaccines and also for the countries of the Third World.

  • Create fundings of scientific research for medicine and vaccination.

  • Reassure the equal and free provision to all the citizens.

  • Make investment in the public health systems, hiring doctors and nursing stuff.

  • Give sense of security and trust, not fear like now.

  • Reassure objective information.

  • Provide free psychological support.

  • Plan for immediate handling of the crisis.

  • Reassure decongestion of public spaces.

  • Reassure better control between the countries’ borders.

  • To do the same with China.

  • The EU should have a quicker response.

  • There should have been greater support to the local businesses that were affected by the outbreak, as a great many of them were unable to sustain themselves, even with the reduced rents. Also, many people, for example artists, were unable to claim the funding given to other professions and thus suffered throughout the lockdowns.

Section 11→ Membership in EU

  • Do you think your country should stay an EU member state?

Yes→ 85%

No→ 15%

  • Explain why you answered yes/no


  • Development and modernization.

  • Peace.

  • Protection.

  • Security.

  • Financial development.

  • Free entrance only with the identity card.

  • Financial privileges, job opportunities.

  • More opportunities.

  • Geo strategy.

  • Financial and social safety.

  • We need each other.

  • Rights.

  • Money support.

  • Participation in Erasmus+ projects.

  • Entrance to the Eurozone.

  • Free to study in another country.

  • Powerful alliances.

  • It is very important to be able to be in immediate contact with other cultures.

  • Contemporary role models, good influence in matters as LGBTQ+ community, refugees.

  • Interculturalism.

  • We participate in the way that the decisions are being taken.

  • Stable democracy.

  • More opportunities.

  • Security at the borders.

  • Greece is an integral part of the European Union’s history.

  • Common currency that helps to import and export products and improves the trade.


  • Bad influence with the change of the currency.

  • We don’t have the same privileges as other countries that are members of the EU.

  • Nowadays Europe has two different velocities.

  • The European Union is only for the benefit of a small category of people, usually rich people.

  • Really bad handling of the Greek people by the International Monetary Fund

  • Continuous degradation of the country in all the sectors.

What are the benefits of being part of the EU?

  • Fundings.

  • Investments.

  • Financial benefits.

  • Single currency.

  • Expansion of trade.

  • Free transport.

  • Peace, security and protection.

  • Alliances.

  • Support, solidarity.

  • Sense of unity between the nations.

  • Job opportunities and ability to study in Universities all over Europe.

  • Equality.

  • Turism.

  • Parity.

  • Improvement of people’s lives.

  • More actions in the field of defense in order for all the countries to feel safe.

  • Respect for human rights.

  • Education

  • Protection of minorities and vulnerable teams

  • The EU works for the equality and equal treatment of all, regardless of their nationality, gender, language, culture, disability or sexuality.

  • Financial, diplomatic, political, social and energy benefits.

  • The only way to make something essential for the environment.

  • Interculturalism.

  • Being able to be improved in Europe.

  • More opportunities.

  • Free trade.

  • Solidarity under circumstances of natural disasters.

  • High quality standards for food and environment.

  • Freedom, peace, equal opportunities.

  • Possibility to appeal to the European Court.

  • Standardised practices.

  • Global Interaction.

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