We are seeking motivated young individuals to participate in our civic monitoring training program!
If you are between the ages 18-30 and are interested in political science/international and EU studies/etc, while also being passionate about enhancing democracy and transparency in your city, specifically in Athens, then we encourage you to apply today!
19th: 6:30pm via Zoom
20th and 21st: 6:30pm - 9:00pm Dim. Soutsou 10, Athina 115 21
What you will learn:
Getting acquainted with the European Youth Strategy 2019-2027, EU youth initiatives and programs.
Civic engagement step by step. What does it mean and how to practice this in your local area.
Municipality in action. How to work with the information obtained and evaluate what is happening in the municipality.
Examples of good practices in youth civic engagement from other European Union countries.
Apply here: https://forms.gle/dQCLeQ1NBPiB79Kh9
Traning couse if co - funded by European Union.
#CivicEU | #4C | #YouthEurope | #Democracy